LG introduced V10, the company’s flagship smartphone in the new V series back in October. We already brought you the unboxing and the benchmarks of the smartphone, here we have the battery test results. The LG V10 packs a 3,000mAh removable battery with Quick Charge 2.0 support and Fast Charging. It has a 5.7-inch Quad HD In-cell Touch Quantum display along with a 2.1-inch (160 x 1040 pixels) IPS Quantum display, is powered by a hexa-core Snapdragon 808 processor and runs on Android 5.1.1 (Lollipop). Check out the test results below.
Talk Time
It lasted for 20 hours and 3 minutes in our talk time test, almost similar to the LG G4.
3G Browsing
It lasted for 4 hours and 10 minutes in the 3G Browsing test, similar to the LG G4 and the Nexus 5X smartphones.
WiFi Browsing
It lasted for 4 hours and 46 minutes in our WiFi Browsing test, almost similar to the LG G4.
Video Playback
It lasted for 7 hours and 8 minutes in our video playback test, less than the LG G4.
It lasted for 8 hours 54 minutes, which is less than LG G4’s rating of 9 hours and 36 minutes. Check out our battery life test procedure, to know more about our tests in detail.