Just yesterday, we told you about a new security flaw that has been spotted and that it could possibly affect around 66% of the Android devices at risk. Now, Google has recognised the flaw but claims that the number of devices that will be affected is much smaller in reality.
Perception Point announced that as much as 66% of Android devices could be affected and even other Linux devices will be affected. Google’s Adrian Ludwig stated that while the exploit does exist, it won’t affect that many Android devices.
The exploit can be used by hackers to gain root access to a device however it will take along time to do so. ludwig also said that Nexus devices wont be affect and any device running Android version 5.0 or higher would also be safe thanks to SELinux.
However with that said, Google has developed a patch for it and will be rolled out with the 1st March security update. They are also investigating the issue further to see how many devices are affected and whether or not any more patches are required for it.