Asus today launched its latest Transformer Book T100HA 2-in-1 in India. It was introduced at the Computex 2015, come with Windows 10 out of the box, has USB 3.1 type C port, 10.1-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) HD display, is powered by Intel Atom X5 Cherry Trail processor, is just 8.45mm thick and weighs 580 grams. As usual you get a keyboard dock with a trackpad.
It even has a microUSB port and microSD card slot that the 12-inch Apple MacBook with USB Type C port lacks. Asus promises up to 14 hours of battery life and has Fast Charge technology so that it can go from 0 to 80% charge in just 2 hours offering up to 9.5 hours of use, when using the included charger or Fast Charge compatible USB power banks such as the ASUS ZenPower.
“It integrates four neodymium magnets to ensure the tablet and keyboard connects with ease, precision and strength. The self-aligning magnetic hinge design allows for lightning-fast transformation and ensures a strong connection when docked,” said the company.
Asus Transformer Book T100HA specifications
- 10.1-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) WXGA LED Back-lit 350nits display
- Quad-Core Intel Atom x5-Z8500 Processor (2M Cache, up to 2.24 GHz) with Intel HD Graphics Gen8
- 2GB RAM, 64GB EMMC, SDXC card reader
- Windows 10
- 5MP rear camera
- 2MP front-facing camera
- WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0
- 1x USB 2.0, 1x USB 3.1 Type C (gen 1), 1x Micro USB 2.0, micro HDMI
- Headphone-out & Audio-in Combo Jack, Built-in Speakers, Digital Array Microphone
- 30 Wh battery
The Asus Transformer Book T100HA comes in Tin Grey and Aqua Blue colors and is priced at Rs. 23,990.