LeEco (formerly Letv) launched the Le 1s smartphone in India at a competitive price tag of Rs. 10,999 last month. We already brought you the unboxing of the smartphone, here we have its benchmarks. It is powered by MediaTek Helio X10 (MT6795) SoC with 8 ARM Cortex-A53 64-bit CPUs clocked at 2.16GHz per core and has 700MHz PowerVR G6200 GPU. It packs 3GB of RAM, 5.5-inch 1080p display and runs on Android 5.0.2 (Lollipop) with LeEco’s own EUI 5.5 on top. Check out the synthetic benchmarks scores.
AnTuTu Benchmark 5
It scored 47247 points in the AnTuTu Benchmark 5.
Vellamo 3.1 Browser – Chrome
It scored 2597 points in the Vellamo 3.1 Chrome Browser benchmark and grabs the second spot, behind the Lenovo K4 Note.
Vellamo 3.1 Browser – Web
It Le 1s scored 3138 points in the Vellamo 3.1 web browser benchmark and grabs the second spot.
Vellamo 3.1 Metal
The smartphone scored 1341 points in the Vellamo 3.1 Metal CPU subsystem performance test and lies behind the LG G3.
Vellamo 3.1 MultiCore
It scored 2259 points in the Vellamo 3.1 Multicore benchmark and grabs the second spot, behind the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 that is also powered by the same Helio X10 SoC.
Geekbench 3 Single-Core
It topped the Geekbench 3 Single-Core benchmark test by scoring 971 points, better than the Meizu MX5 that is powered by the same Helio X10 SoC.
Geekbench 3 Multi-Core
It grabbed the top spot in the Geekbench 3 Multi-Core as well by scoring 5507 points.
GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex (On screen)
It clocked 1057 frames or 19 fps in the GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex Onscreen benchmark.
GFXBench 3.0 Manhattan (On screen)
It clocked 466.1 frames or 7.5 fps in the GFXBench 3.0 Manhattan Onscreen benchmark.
3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited
It scored 15471 and grabbed the second spot, behind the MX5 in the 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited GPU benchmark.
Basemark X 1.0 HD (Onscreen)
It managed to clock around 8.92 fps in the Basemark X 1.0 OnScreen benchmark.
Basemark X 1.0 HD (Offscreen)
It managed to clock around 7.82 fps in the Basemark X 1.0 OffScreen benchmark.
Basemark OS II
It topped the Basemark OS II benchmark by scoring 1088 points. We will bring you the battery life test results and the complete review of the smartphone soon.