Xiaomi has announced a permanent price cut for the Redmi Note Prime smartphone, which is now available for Rs. 7,999, down from the launch price of Rs. 8,499. As a part of Mi Week on Amazon.in starting today, 16th February till 19th February, both the Mi 4 and the Mi 4i have received a Rs. 2,000 price cut for a limited period.
Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime is the second Mi phone to be manufactured in Sri City, Andhra Pradesh, in partnership with Foxconn Technology Group. Xiaomi Mi 4i 16GB received a permanent price cut in India back in November last year, down to Rs. 11,999 from the launch price Rs. 12,999. The Xiaomi Mi 4 16GB had received several price cuts. It got a price cut to Rs. 14,999 last June, down from the launch price of Rs. 19,999.
Price cuts for Xiaomi smartphones
- Xiaomi Mi 4 16GB – Rs. 12,999 (Rs. 2,000 price cut till Feb 19)
- Xiaomi Mi 4i 16GB – Rs. 9,999 (Rs. 2,000 price cut till Feb 19)
- Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime – Rs. 7,999 (Rs. 500 price cut permanently)
As a part of Mi Week, Amazon.in is also offering Rs. 1000 cashback (credited by 15th May, 2016) for Standard Chartered Bank credit and debit card holders on purchase of Redmi 2 Prime 4G, Redmi Note Prime (White), Mi 4 and Mi 4i till Feb 19th.