Alcatel has introduced Plus 10, its first 2-in-1 device running Windows 10, ahead of MWC. It has a 10.1-inch HD IPS display, is powered by a Quad-Core Intel Cherry Trail T3 Z8350 processor, has a 5-megapixel rear camera without flash, 2-megapixel front-facing camera and comes bundled with a keyboard that has a built-in SIM slot for 4G LTE connectivity, so that you can use it as a Wi-Fi hotspot for up to 15 users.
You can easily dock the tablet in the keyboard, which also has a 2580mAh battery, in addition to 5830mAh battery on the tablet to offer a total of 8,410 mAh battery, which lasts a full 8-hour working or playing day, according to Alcatel.
Alcatel Plus 10 specifications
- 10.1-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) 10-point capacitive multi-touch display
- 1.92 GHz Quad-Core Intel Cherry Trail T3 Z8350 processor
- 2GB RAM, 32GB internal storage, expandable memory up to 64GB with microSD
- Windows 10
- 5MP rear camera
- 2MP front-facing camera
- 4G LTE (In the keyboard), WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0
- Dual front speakers
- Dimensions: 259.3 x 156.2 x 8.35 mm
- 1x USB, 1x Micro USB 2.0, micro HDMI
- Battery: 5830 mAh (tablet) + 2580 mAh (Keyboard)
The Alcatel Plus 10 comes in metallic silver, matte white, matte volcano black and a warm gray leather finish variants. It will be go on sale in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa in June 2016, but no word on the price yet. It will be showcased at the MWC in Barcelona next week.