Zebronics today launched its first consumer-oriented virtual-reality headset. It has thick memory foam padding for extra comfort for an extended period and a pair of lenses with interpupillary distance and focus adjustment based on the phone display size and the users eye focus comfort. The elastic strap hold it in place.
The smartphone mount in the headset is soft cushioned with magnetic lock for the adjustable front cover. It can fit phones between 4.5-inch up to 6-inches. The ZEB-VR comes with magnet toggle switch, has a metal neodymium ring and a ceramic disc. This lets you interact with the mobile phone VR application.
Highlights of Zebronics ZEB-VR
- Immersive motion sensing game experience
- Focal length & pupil distance adjustable
- Extra soft contact pad assure hours of gaming comfort
- Powerful magnet trigger, compatible with google cardboard
- More comfortable and durable, enough size for wearing glasses
- Compatible phone size : 11.43cm (4.5) – 15.24cm (6)
- Reserve perspective window for AR or camera shooting purpose
- 360º panoramic views live, games, video and images
- Weighs just 103 grams
The Zebronics ZEB-VR headset comes in black color with blue rims and is priced at Rs. 1600. It is available exclusively from Snapdeal at an offer price of Rs. 1,375.