Samsung launched its flagship Galaxy S7 smartphone in India last week priced at Rs. 48,900. We already brought you the unboxing of the smartphone, here we have its benchmarks. It is powered by Octa-Core 14 nm Exynos 8890 SoC which has combination of four custom designed CPU cores, two of them clocked at 2.6 GHz per core, other two clocked at 2.3 GHz per core and four ARM Cortex A53 CPUs are clocked at 1.59GHz per core. It has Mali-T880 MP12 GPU and 4GB RAM LPDDR4 RAM. It has a 5.1-inch Quad HD (2560×1440 pixels) Super AMOLED display and runs on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow).
AnTuTu Benchmark 6
It topped the AnTuTu 6 benchmark by scoring whopping 128791 points.
Vellamo 3.1 Browser – Web
It topped the Vellamo 3.1 web browser benchmark as well by scoring 5436 points.
Vellamo 3.1 Metal
It scored 3176 points in the Vellamo 3.1 Metal CPU subsystem performance test.
Vellamo 3.1 MultiCore
It scored 3455 points in the Vellamo 3.1 Multicore benchmark.
Geekbench 3 Single-Core
It scored 1969 points in the Geekbench 3 Single-Core benchmark.
Geekbench 3 Multi-Core
It scored 6348 points in the Geekbench 3 Multi-Core benchmark.
GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex (On screen)
It clocked 2959 frames or 53 fps in the GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex OnScreen benchmark.
GFXBench 3.0 Manhattan (On screen)
It clocked 1621 frames or 26 fps in the GFXBench 3.0 Manhattan OnScreen benchmark.
3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited
It scored 28390 points in the 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited GPU benchmark.
Basemark X 1.1
It topped the Basemark X 1.1 benchmark by scoring 40969 benchmark.
Basemark OS II
It scored 2707 points and topped the Basemark OS II benchmark. We will bring you the battery life test results, camera samples and the complete review of the smartphone soon.