Xiaomi launched its latest Mi Bluetooth speaker at the Redmi Note 3 launch event in India earlier this month. Now it has announced that the speaker will go on sale in the country in the first flash sale on March 22nd through the official Mi website. The compact speaker was introduced back in September last year, has a full metal body and weighs just 270 grams.
It has a built-in microphone so that you can use it for calls when it is connected to your smartphone, but it lacks a microSD card slot that is present in the Chinese variant. It automatically pauses the music when you receive a call and connects to the call with a press of the play button without the need of a mobile phone.
Features Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth speaker
- Bluetooth 4.0, Built-in Microphone for Handsfree support
- Frequency response: 85Hz – 20KHz, Maximum output power: 3W x 2 (4ohm, THD <1%)
- Dual 36mm drivers with strong NdFeB magnets with Ferrotec FRM4005 ferro fluid cooling technology
- Avnera AV3102 chip for delicate tonal balance, DSP processing support up to 19 PEQ segments and 12 limited DRC
- AUX in port
- Full aluminum body
- Dimensions: 168 x 24.5 x 58 mm; Weight: 270g
- 1500mAh battery for up to 8 hours of music playback
The Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth speaker comes in Gold, Blue and Pink colors and is priced at Rs. 1999 in India. It will be available from Mi.com through flash sale starting from next Monday, just in time for Holi.