Amazon India has launched Kindle instant previews that makes it easy for readers to read and share eBook excerpts for free. Kindle instant previews can be embedded on the web or shared as a link via email, text and apps.
The new feature lets you share excerpts from ebooks with anyone. Websites, bloggers, publishers and authors can now integrate the preview experience by embedding a widget on their sites, blogs or apps. Once the link is embedded on the website or blog, the book cover image changes to a free sample of the book. You can even adjust the font size and the instant previews even offer direct link to buy the book from Amazon Kindle Store.
In order to share previews, user will have copy and embed the link for a book by visiting the book’s detail page on and clicking the “<embed>” link next to sharing options like Facebook.
Mike Torres, Director of Product Management for Amazon’s Kindle said,
We were inspired by various media formats that existed on the web and within applications, like videos and music, giving people immediate access to content. We were keen to do the same with books. Kindle instant previews extend the ‘Look Inside The Book’ experience already available on to any site or app referencing books in any way.