vivo is all set to introduce the X7 and X7 plus smartphones on June 30. Now the X7 Plus smartphone has surfaced in live images. The company already confirmed 16-megapixel front-facing camera with LED flash for the V7, the V7 Max will also have the same camera.
vivo also confirmed Snapdragon 652 SoC, 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage for both the smartphones. Live image of the phone in rose gold color shows fingerprint sensor below the display and confirms unibody design with metal back and curved glass on the front. It will also come in golden color.
It is rumored to come with a 5.7-inch 1080p display, larger than the 5.2-inch screen on the X7, but both the phones are expected to pack the a 21-megapixel rear camera.
We should know all the details about the vivo X7 and X7 Plus smartphones when it is announced next Thursday.