Freecharge, the digital wallet and payment platform in India, has introduced its new desktop app for Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows 10. The company claims that the unified Freecharge app on Windows can complete a transaction in just less-than-10 seconds and is designed to provide seamless experience across desktop, laptops and tablets. Freecharge will also be launching the Windows 10 app for smartphones next month.
The Freecharge app on Windows 10 desktop can take advantage of Microsoft’s digital personal assistant Cortana for end-to-end recharge and making bill payments. Cortana works by using the Favorites feature in the app. It recognizes names that users set in Favorites and enables a transaction for those favorites. Users can make transactions through Cortana (both text and voice input supported) without even opening the Freecharge app.
The app layout has adaptive tiles and provides information about Freecharge wallet balance, reminders on deals and offers etc. The large tile displays the details of most recent transactions done by customer. The Freecharge app for Windows 10 is now available to download from the Windows store.
Commenting on the announcement, Govind Rajan, CEO, Freecharge, said:
“We are excited to be the first in the payments industry to launch a unified app for Windows 10 to be accessed via tablets, laptops, and desktops. This integration will help us widen our user base by reaching out to millions of consumers on the Windows platform. The unified app on Windows will provide an engaging user experience and seamless transaction with our less-than-10 second payment completion process.”
Harish Vaidyanathan, Director of Independent Software Vendor Programs at Microsoft, said:
“Adding to the consumer experience, the new app offers Cortana integration that will allow consumers to make transactions with just a text and voice input, without having to open the app. The new app integrates beautifully with the Windows 10 interface and we are confident that our consumers will enjoy the Freecharge experience”