Google confirms Android 7.0 ‘N’ as Android Nougat

Google announced Android ‘N’ back in March this year, ahead of Google I/O and also released a developer preview. It even launched a new micro site and asked for suggestions from users before finalizing a name for Android N. Now it has finally confirmed the name of Android ‘N’ as Nougat. Version has also been confirmed as 7.0.


Several names such as Noodle pudding, New York Cheesecake, Neyyappam, Nankhatai, Nonnevot, Noghl, including Nougat were considered.

Google released the final developer preview 4 of Android Nougat for compatible Nexus devices last month. The preview also has final Android N SDK with final APIs (API level 24).

As Google confirmed earlier, stable Android 7.0 (Nougat) release will be available in Q3 2016, which is this quarter that ends in September.

Google is said to be working on two Nexus devices made by HTC codenamed Sailfish and Marlin that are expected to be introduced later this year running Android 7.0.

Google unveiled the statue of Android Nougat at its campus, check out the video.


Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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