Alongside the launch of the OnePlus 3 in Graphite, the company has also been showing off the soft gold variant on occasion. At a recent session we got to check out the phone in all its golden glory. Here’s a quick gallery to give you a glimpse at the new variant.
The front fascia of the phone is now adorned in white instead of the black front of the graphite variant. Switch over to the back and you’ll notice that OnePlus aren’t kidding when they call it a soft gold version. Unlike the garish gold colors we have seen on a number of phones, the finish here is very subtle and even conservative users won’t feel odd with the hardware. Beyond that though, the hardware is exactly the same internally and there’s not much to differentiate them. Follow through a couple more shots of the device.
The Soft Gold variant of the OnePlus 3 is expected to go on sale later this year with a launch expected in the North American markets first followed by a global roll out. In the meanwhile, click here to check out our OnePlus 3 review. The phone is priced at Rs. 27,999.