Super Mario Run brings the iconic plumber to the Apple iPhone


At the ongoing iPhone 7 launch event in San Francisco, Apple and Nintendo have just gone on stage to announce that Mario is heading to the App Store. 

Nintendo has so far shied away from bringing its IPs to smartphones aside from the not so successful Miitomo. With the launch of Super Mario Run, we finally see the iconic franchise make its way to Apple’s iOS platform. Exclusive to iOS, at least at launch, it represents a brand new Nintendo.

The game is said to be coming soon and will not be a free to play game. Shigeru Miyamoto reaffirmed that Super Mario Run will not include any microtransactions and will be available ahead of holiday season 2016.

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Author: Dhruv Bhutani

Your friendly neighborhood techie. Currently using a Pixel 2 XL. Catch him on Twitter (@DhruvBhutani) / Facebook .