Messaging app Telegram’s new update brings new photo editor 2.0 with selfie masks, GIF creation, new stickers, photo text and drawing support.
Now Telegram app users will be able to create their own GIFs by simply recording a video in the app and can share them as a looped autoplayed GIF by tapping on to the new “mute” button. The animations will be saved to GIFs section so users can quickly react to anything with a set of their own prerecorded GIF-emotions.
Today we’re pushing the photo editor to the next level with the fun stuff: you can now add drawings, masks, stickers and text right onto your pictures.
With the new updated Telegram app, users can also choose a selfie mask for their photo like Snapchat, and it automatically gets positioned in the right place. The app is updated with the capability of identifying faces on photos and uses mask meta-data to find the perfect spot, notes blog post.
Other photo editing tools includes adding text and drawings to your photos. Lastly, there is a new trending stickers tab that keeps all the new stickers at one place.