Samsung launched Galaxy Note7 smartphone in India last month and started taking pre-orders for the phone in the country from August 22nd till August 30th. It was supposed to go on sale in the country on September 2nd, later it delayed the launch since it recalled the smartphone globally due to battery issues.
Earlier this month the company said that it will offer new Gear VR worth Rs. 7290 free for all pre-orders.
Since the Galaxy Note7 has been discontinued, Samsung has announced that customers who pre-ordered the phone will get a free Gear VR and also a Samsung Level U Stereo Wireless if they get a Galaxy S7 or Galaxy Galaxy S7 edge.
As promised earlier it is offering Rs. 3300 approx. ($50) worth Oculus content voucher and is also offering One Time Screen Replacement for a period of 12 months from date of activation.
Customers can visit the retailer or online portal from where they had pre-booked the Galaxy Note7 to avail the offer. In case the customer wish to get a refund, they can contact the retailer/online portal to get it, says Samsung.