Samsung introduced the Galaxy S7 edge smartphone in Black Onyx, Gold Platinum, White Pearl and Silver Titanium colors back in February, later it introduced the Pink Gold version in select markets. Now it has announced new Blue Coral version of the smartphone. The Galaxy Note7 that was recently discontinued also came in Blue Coral version.
The new Blue Coral Galaxy S7 edge 32GB version will be available in Singapore for SG$ 1098 (US$789 approx) and in Taiwan for NT$ 24,900 (US$787 approx) starting this November. It will also be available through major carriers in U.S. later this year, but no details about the exact launch date or pricing yet.
Regarding new Blue Coral Galaxy S7 edge, Samsung said:
The new Blue Coral edition follows this year’s color trends, which are less vivid and more tranquil. Inspired by nature, the color shimmers as if it is illuminated from the inside of the phone’s glass surface.
In particular, Samsung applied a contrasting gold tone hue to the phone’s metallic frame. The resulting two-toned combination is at once calming and sophisticated.