Top 5 Twitter clients for Android

Twitter is one of the biggest and popular social networks in the world, and it’s a very good way of communicating with your friends. You can follow your favorite celebrity, favorite brand, or best friend on Twitter. Most of the time, users use Twitter via their mobile, and if you are using an Android phone, then you need a good Twitter client for your Android phone, and then please allow me to share some good apps with you. After the break, you will see some good Android apps for Twitter with all their information.

1. Twidroyd

Twidroyd, previously known as Twidroid is one of the famous and most popular twitter app in the market. Twidroid user interface is very simple and attractive, and that’s the reason people love it. Twidroid comes with a lot of features, and if you need more than that then you can buy the premium version for $3.99. You can check out all the features over here.

2. Seesmic

Seesmic is my personal favorite Twitter client, and I love the beautiful UI . It’s a very useful Twitter app, and packs a lot of good features. Some people just love Seesmic, and they don’t want to leave it. The app is very simple, and the version packs lot of good features.You can check out the features over here.


Touiter is also a famous and known as one of the best Twitter apps. Touiteur is a very beautiful app,comes with lot of features, and it’s highly customizable. You can also get the Premium version for $2.96. Check out all the features of the Touiteur app over here.

4. TweetCaster

TweetCaster is a famous and a very popular Twitter client. TweetCaster features a very beautiful user interface, which will attract towards this app. But if you need the ultimate TweetCaster experience, then you can get the Pro version for $4.99. Check out all the features of the app over here.

5. Twitter for Android

We saw some third party Android apps, but what about the official app? Last but not least, the Twitter official Android apps. Realtime search, trending topics and maps show whats happening now everywhere and nearby.Tweet, send DMs, share photos, videos and links to your friends and the world. Check out everything about it over here.

So that’s all folks, all the top 5 Twitter apps are in front of you, so get your favorite and enjoy. And if I left out any app let me know what app you use on your android phone ?

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