CyanogenMod announced CM14.1 based on Android 7.1 Nougat last month. It released CM14.1 nightly builds for Moto G 1st and 2nd gen devices, Xiaomi Mi 4, OnePlus 3 and more in the first wave, later it released the update for Moto G (3rd Gen) and more devices, now it has released the update for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (Snapdragon 650), Mi Max, Moto X 2014, few OPPO phones and more.
CM14.1 nightly builds are now available for:
- BQ Aquaris E5 4G (vegetalte)
- HTC One Max (t6)
- HTC One Max (Verizon) (t6vzw)
- LG G3 (Canada) (d852)
- Motorola Moto X 2014 (victara)
- Oppo Find 7a (find7)
- Oppo Find 7s (find7s)
- Oppo N3 (n3)
- Samsung Galaxy S III (Intl) (i9300)
- Samsung Galaxy S III (Verizon) (d2vzw)
- Xiaomi Mi Max (hydrogen)
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (kenzo)
Nightly builds for the devices in the list are available on the official website. CyanogenMod already said that the more devices will be added to the roster over the next few weeks.