Xiaomi Mi TV 4 announced, OnePlus opens Experience store in India and more – FoneArena Daily

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At the ongoing CES 2017 event, Xiaomi unveiled its latest television set — Mi TV 4. The Mi TV 4 features a 4.9mm frame at its thinnest point with a modular TV design that separates the display from the electronics. It also features a Dolby Atmos audio technology with 2 up-firing speakers, that are basically pointed at the ceiling which reflects the sound to provide a 3-dimensional experience.

Samsung has launched Galaxy J1 4G smartphone in India with 4G VoLTE support.

OnePlus today opened its first Experience Store in India, located on Brigade Road in Bangalore. It will offer the first-hand opportunity of all the products including smartphones, accessories and lifestyle merchandise.

Dell at the ongoing CES 2017 introduced UltraSharp 32 Ultra HD 8K Monitor (UP3218K) that offers four times more content than Ultra HD 4K resolution and 16 times more content than Full HD.

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