Earlier this week two foldable smartphones – Galaxy X1, Galaxy X1 Plus with model numbers -SM-X9000 and SM-X9050 surfaced in China. Now a new report from South Korea says that the Samsung is expected to release more than 100,000 units of these devices in Q3 2017.
The report also said that the smartphone will fold out and may be used as a 7-inch tablet when unfolded. It also said that Samsung initially completed the development of fold-in smartphones that tuck inside when folded and began development of fold-out technologies around August 2016.
“Since the company already secured fold-in phone technology, it was not a big challenge to shift into the fold-out phones,” according to sources, says the report.
Despite technical completion, Samsung has not made a final decision about whether they will unveil the device this year because of marketability and profitability issues, according to the report. Samsung is expected to make the final decision once it carries out the delayed annual personnel reshuffle in its information technology and mobile communications unit.