Bingo Technologies has launched Bingo V-200 VR Box, its first Made in India smart VR Box that offers immersive experience with 360-degree view field. It has adjustable pupil distance mechanism that allows you to slightly adjust the position of the spherical resin lenses by moving the button; providing a comfortable viewing experience to different consumers.
It has 42mm optical lens with high transmittance Nano-Coating Technology that reduces glare, heightens brightness level and prevents distortions and viewing fatigue. It weighs 414 grams, is compatible with smartphones ranging from 4.7-inch to 6-inch in size.
You just need to open the front cover, place the phone in the middle of the holder, close the front cover and control your device by moving your head or by the Bluetooth remote controller that comes free with the V-200 VR Box.
The Bingo V200 VR Box comes in black with white color, is priced at Rs. 649 and is available from online retailers such as, Flipkart and others.
Commenting on the launch, Abhinaya Pratap Singh, Marketing Manager, Bingo Technologies Pvt Ltd, said:
We received an overwhelming response to our maiden VR product – the Bingo G-200 VR Glass and now we are back with our first Made in India smart VR Box -the Bingo V-200 VR Box. It blends rich viewing experience with comfort seamlessly, making it a compelling proposition for first-time buyers. Additionally, it features an adjustable pupil distance mechanism making it easier for people with varying eye-sight levels to enjoy to the hilt. Affordable priced, the V-200 VR Box will certainly appeal to our customers.