Couple of months after launching the Elite Star as the company’s cheapest 4G smartphone with support for VoLTE, Swipe Technologies has launched the Konnect Star smartphone. It has a 4-inch display, runs on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), has a 5-megapixel camera with LED flash and a 1.3-megapixel front-facing camera, similar to the Elite Star, but this is powered by a 1GHz quad-core processor, instead of 1.5GHz quad-core processor on the Elite Star.
It has dual SIM support similar to most other Swipe smartphones, has support for 12 regional languages and packs has 1800mAh battery.
Swipe Konnect Star specifications
- 4-inch (850 x 480 pixels) FWVGA display
- 1GHz quad-core processor
- 1GB RAM, 16GB internal storage, expandable memory up to 32GB with microSD
- Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)
- Dual SIM
- 5MP rear camera with LED Flash
- 1.3MP front-facing camera
- 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio
- 4G VoLTE, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS
- 1800mAh battery
The Swipe Konnect Star comes in Silver, Gold and and Grey colors, is priced at Rs. 3799 and is exclusively from ShopClues.