Motorola is one of the biggest names in the mobile market. Recently, Motorola launched the long awaited Motorola Droid X, which is offered exclusively by Verizon. Some Droid X folks were facing problems with Exchange 2003 email and they complained about it to Motorola. Regarding this issue, Motorola employee Matt said:
Some Droid X users are experiencing an issue using Exchange 2003 email. Though the email is arriving on the Droid X, no notifications are appearing. A fix for this will be included in the upgrade to Android 2.2 scheduled for deployment by early September.
So folks, finally we have some official words now. Hopefully, we’ll see the Android 2.2 for Droid X in the first or second week of September. Motorola launched the Android 2.2 for Motorola Droid, and in a few weeks we’ll see the Droid 2, which is running on Android 2.2. So I hope we’ll see all Droid’s running Android 2.2 by the end of this year. Stay tuned with us, we’ll keep you updated.
via Motorola