Google Chrome has been a primary reason for battery drain on laptops. The company has been working on improving Chrome’s efficiency for about a couple of years. To combat this issue, the latest version of the browser – Chrome 57 has been designed to solve this issue as the update will throttle individual background tabs by limiting the timer fire rate for background tabs using excessive power. This in turn will result into a prolonged battery life.
Chrome 57 will delay timers to limit average CPU load to 1% of a core if an application uses too much CPU in background, said Google in the Chromium blog. Similar to other browsers, Chrome has limited timers in the background to only run once per second.
Alexander Timin, Software Engineer and Power Saver posted in blog,
We’ve found that this throttling mechanism leads to 25% fewer busy background tabs. In the long-term, the ideal is for background tabs to be fully suspended and instead rely on new APIs for service workers to do work in the background.