Larsson’s Water Spirit Theme Makes Your Symbian Phone Glow

I love installing new themes on my phones, as they let me personalize them to my taste as well as change the look of my device much more frequently, instead of actually paying to buy a new device. Fortunately, Nokia & Symbian theme developers are abundant, and there are a lot of really great ones out there, some who offer their themes for free. One such themer is Larsson from S60Art, and he’s good, really good.

His latest theme, Water Spirit, takes his know-how to new levels, thanks to a great blue background that lights up your screen, fully transparent icon and text borders (which is something I’ve been craving for on my N97 Mini), and a set of custom icons. The whole effect is an elegant theme, that makes you fall back in love with your phone, no matter how old or used it is. Here are some screenshots of Water Spirit on my N97 Mini.

You can download the theme for free from Larsson’s website, the .zip file provided contains a custom icon and default icon version. And if you like it, don’t forget to drop Larsson a few bucks on his Paypal account to thank him for his work.

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