Android 2.2 for Droid Incredible coming out on August 18th

Droid Incredible is a very good and an awesome Android handset, but it fails because of the big shortage of the phone, but still there are a lot of folks out there who are using this phone and enjoying every minute of it. And the only thing they are waiting for is the Android 2.2.

Mashable is reporting that the Android 2.2 aka Froyo is coming out for Droid Incredible on August 18th, and the update will hit the phones over the air. Currently Verizon employees are testing the Android 2.2 on the Incredible. Froyo is already available on EVO 4G, Nexus One, Droid 2, and original Droid, and it will be hitting other high end phones later this year.

So Droid Incredible owners, stay tuned with us, we’ll keep you updated with the Froyo.

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