Google launched Gboard for iPhone and iPad in May last year following which it was also released for Android. The company has added Gboard to its Search app for iOS, meaning it will now be pre-installed with the app.
In order to access Gboard, users will have to head to Google app settings and enable Gboard option. For those unaware, Gboard lets you search and send information, GIFs, emojis and supports glide typing. With the latest update, users will not get to perform all the aforementioned tasks right from their Search app without the need to install the Gboard separately.
Furthermore, the Google Search app now gets a new “Trending on Google” widget that offers you all the latest information about topics and breaking news from around the world by displaying live trending Google searches. You can just tap on any of the news and read more about it. To access the widget, use 3D Touch on the app icon or swipe right on your home screen and to install it, swipe right on your home screen, scroll to the bottom, tap “Edit”, then add “Trending on Google.”
Finally, Google has also added or expanded the 3D touch functions throughout the app. This will allow users to preview search results, launch the trending widget, open incognito mode and even start a voice search right from the home screen.