Moto G5 smartphone was launched in India last week for Rs. 11,999 exclusively on We already brought you the unboxing and first impressions of the smartphone, here we have the camera samples from the smartphone. The Moto G5 has a 13-megapixel camera with f/2.0 aperture, LED flash and it has PDAF. It also has a 5-megapixel front-facing camera, OmniVision OV5693 sensor and f/2.2 aperture same as the G5 Plus.
The camera UI is simple with toggles image, video, panorama, slow motion and manual mode that lets you adjust white balance, shutter speed, ISO and more. There is a camera shutter on screen button and toggles for front and rear cameras on the right side. On the left side there is a timer (3 or 10 seconds), Flash toggle (Auto, On, Off) and HDR toggle (Auto, On, Off). It has quick capture mode that lets you twist the phone twice to open the camera or switch between the front and back cameras. You can also launch the camera when you double press the power button even when the phone is locked. Front facing camera has face beauty option and screen flash.
Coming to the image quality. Daylight shots came out well, but some images came out dull during cloudy or poor lighting conditions. Macro shots were good but it is hard to focus small objects. HDR shots were pretty good with improved contrast and saturation. Low-light shots had noise but images were not that bad. Images with flash were decent. Even though it has single LED flash, it might be overpowering for closeup shots. The front-facing camera is decent for selfies and video chats.
Check out the camera samples (Click the image for the full resolution sample).
Front Camera
It can record videos at 1080p Full HD video resolution. There is also HDR option for video. Quality is good. Thanks to the secondary microphone, audio is crisp. It can also record slow motion videos at 120 fps but only at qHD (960 x 540 pixels) resolution so it is not crisp. Check out video samples below.
We will bring you the complete review of the smartphone soon.