Uninor has introduced a new offer for Raksha Bandhan under which you get 50 STD mins for free under a Unlimited 197 plan. More details below.
Uninor introduces “Bandhan Offer” on the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan
Get 50 STD minutes Free for a limited period offer
On the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan which is so close to Indian heart, keeping the sentiments of its subscribers in mind, Uninor is offering 50 STD Min Free on its Unlimited Local Plan, creating a platform wherein each subscriber can choose Unlimited 197 Plan and freely talk to relatives and friends anywhere in India.
In Unlimited 197 plan customer gets 700 Local Min free on calls to any network in UP and Uttarakhand, 2000 Local Uninor Minutes Free and now Raksha Bandhan Special 50 STD Minutes Free. Also to add to the festivity Uninor has announced a Lucky Draw were in customers opting for Unlimited 197 between a limited period for 18th and 25th August have a chance to win daily prizes of Handsets, Free Talk Time and a Bike for the winner of the Bumper Lucky Draw.“In this fiercely competitive market of 11 players at Uninor we focus on our customers requirements and build our products, pricing, network, and distribution strategy around inherent telephony needs of the customer. We aim to delight our customers with innovative, simple and value for money product offering at an affordable price, available at nearest telecom retail counter” said Rajeev Sethi, Hub Head UPE.