Apple has acquired eye-tracking firm SensoMotoric Instruments, according to a report from MacRumors. The German based company specializes in eye-tracking glasses and platforms for both augmented and virtual reality. It had recently made eye tracking for a variety of applications, including athletics.
The acquisition is backed up by an anonymous tipster, who told us that he allegedly spoke to an Apple employee today who said the deal has been completed. Additionally, one of SensoMotoric’s clients informed us that they have been attempting to contact the company for several weeks without hearing back.
Apple has never confirmed that it is working on a headset, but it released a set of augmented-reality software tools for the iPhone, ARKit, last month. It was reported at the beginning of this year that Apple and Carl Zeiss are working together on AR glasses. Last year, Google acquired Eyefluence eye-tracking company to boost its virtual reality efforts.