Apple had launched Clips video creation app for iPhone and iPad earlier in March. Now, the company has updated the app with addition of classic Disney and Pixar characters. The update which bumps the app to version 1.1 also features animated overlays of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Daisy Duck.
The app also includes characters from Pixar’s Toy Story and Inside Out. To complement the collection of characters, new Disney-designed posters can be added to videos as playful title cards to help tell a story. The app is also getting 10 new Apple-designed overlays and 12 posters that feature dramatic graphics, beautifully rendered backgrounds and customizable animated text.
Clips comes with a Live Titles feature that allows users to create animated captions and titles using just their voice. Also present are features like comic book filters, speech bubbles, shapes and full-screen animated posters.