Huawei introduced its Watch 2 series at the MWC 2017 back in February. It introduced Porsche Design version of the smartwatch later. Today it has started selling the smartwatch in the UK and Europe. It comes with similar specifications as the Watch 2, but this has more premium black, DLC coated watch case that is resistant and has a comfortable, skin-friendly and hybrid leather-rubber bracelet.
There is also Porsche design dial with one-touch chronograph function, inspired by a Porsche sports car dashboard. It comes with real-time heart rate sensor, GPS tracking and VO2 Max measurement and IP68 ratings for dust and water resistance.
Porsche Design Huawei Watch specifications
- 1.2 inch (390×390) AMOLED display with 328 ppi, Gorilla Glass 3
- Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100
- 768MB RAM, 4GB internal storage
- Android Wear 2.0
- Sensors: 6-Axis motion sensor, Barometer, heart rate monitor
- Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Microphone, Speaker
- Water and Dust resistant (IP68)
- 4GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC
- 420mAh battery, Fast charging
The Porsche Design Huawei Watch comes in Black color and is priced at 795 Euros (US$ 926 / Rs. 59665 approx.). It is available for purchase from porsche-design website.