Vodafone has launched a new combo pack for its prepaid customers in Delhi-NCR region that offers 1GB data daily with unlimited voice calls (Local, National and Roaming) for 28 days at Rs. 392. Another combo pack of Rs. 198 offers unlimited voice calls (Local, National and Roaming) across Vodafone network for 28 days.
The new Vodafone 392 and 198 Prepaid Recharge packs are available at all the leading Vodafone Stores, Mini stores and multi brand retail outlets across the state and is also available through MyVodafone App.
Commenting on the new packs, Alok Verma, Business Head – Delhi-NCR, Vodafone India, said:
A large part of Vodafone’s pre-paid subscribers from Delhi & NCR go on roaming during the festive season. We found an existing need for these subscribers to have a pocket friendly pack that enables them to stay connected with their world even while they are travelling or out of station.
Vodafone Delhi has designed the pack precisely to bridge that need. So before proceeding on your holiday, remember to get a recharge Pack of Rs 392 or 198 to enjoy long, worry free conversations, and internet browsing regardless of location.