Telegram has updated its app with new features such as better replies, improved stickers and more. The update that bumps the app to version 4.3 brings better group mentions and reply system.
Groups with unread mentions and replies will now be marked by ‘@’ badge in the chats list. If you have new replies/mentions in a group, you can now instantly reach them by tapping the new ‘@’ button when inside the chat. This button will disappear once you have read all the relevant messages.
Coming to stickers, now anyone with five or more sticker sets installed can mark individual stickers as ‘favorites’, and have them always accessible at the top of the sticker panel in the ‘star’ section. Large groups with 100 members and more can now choose an official sticker set for all the members of the group to see and use while they are chatting in the group without the need of adding it to their panels. Up next, the revamped‘Invite Friends’ section will now list your contacts that are not on Telegram yet but have many of their friends.
Finally, there are number of improvements and tweaks including Twitch videos support in the Telegram in-app player. On iOS, you can edit any photo you pasted directly to a chat from clipboard before sending. The Android app will now allow you to forward a message by long tapping to select multiple recipients. When viewing photos in Shared Media, you can go to the place in chat where the photo was posted.