Apple announced the pricing for its latest iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X models in India, it has also officially reduced the price of iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus phones in the country and has removed the 256GB iPhone 7 and 7 Plus models. It has just been two months since Apple officially announced a price cut for the iPhone 7, 6s and several devices after implementation of GST in the country.
Even though Apple sets a standard MRP, some third-party retailers sell the smartphones at cheaper rate. So you can get it online at even cheaper rates after this price cut. Check out the change in price after the price cut.
New Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus pricing in India
iPhone | Old Price (Rs.) | New Price (Rs.) | Price reduction (Rs.) |
iPhone 7 32GB | 56,200 | 49,000 | 7,200 |
iPhone 7 128GB | 65,200 | 58,000 | 7,200 |
iPhone 7 Plus 32GB | 67,300 | 59,000 | 8,300 |
iPhone 7 Plus 128GB | 76,200 | 68,000 | 8,200 |
iPhone 6S 32GB | 46,900 | 40,000 | 6,900 |
iPhone 6S 128GB | 55,900 | 49,000 | 6,900 |
iPhone 6S Plus 32GB | 56,100 | 49,000 | 7,100 |
iPhone 6S Plus 128GB | 65,000 | 58,000 | 7,000 |
Update: Apple has also reduced the price of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in India.