No CDMA Windows Phone 7-powered phone until 2011

If you are a Sprint or Verizon customer, and you are also a big fan of Windows Phone 7, then this might be a bad news for you. Yesterday Verizon said that they will not be carrying any WP7 device until 2011. Sprint customers were happy that they are getting it, but not anymore, because Microsoft Senior Product Manager Greg Sullivan told CNET that:

“For the worldwide market, the vast majority of phones are GSM phones, so we focused on GSM first and then plan to deliver an update that will have great CDMA support in the first half of 2011. That’s device availability in the first half and we’re very confident of that. That’s probably a conservative estimate.”

So it means no sign of WP7 powered CDMA device this year. As Verizon said that they will carry it next year, so hopefully Sprint will be carrying it too. But don’t worry Verizon and Sprint folks, you guys have Androids, a lot of them… and more coming !

via BGR

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