In a bid to eliminate the SD-HD divide, DishTV has launched ‘HD for all initiative’ festive offer that will give access to popular HD channels to its subscribers. The direct-to-home operator has launched a new HD set top box DishNXT HD to further support this initiative.
The company will now stop providing SD set top boxes and will ship only HD ones to subscribers. It comes equipped with an integrated smart chip technology to enable users to interact and tune-in to their television in a smarter way. Also included in the box is an universal remote and a recorder. The DishNXT HD set top box with recorder starts at Rs. 1500. Viewers can now view HD channels for popular packs starting as low as Rs 169 per month, excluding taxes.
DishTV Group Chief Executive Officer Anil Dua said,
HD space has been fast evolving, making significant in-roads into Indian households. With a sharp focus on HD, this move aims at bridging the gap between the SD and HD subscribers. This launch of HD for all initiative and also the new DishNXT HD set top box will lead to a rapid rise in HD consumption. It will also encourage subsequent upgradation to full HD experience, thereby expanding overall HD viewership and boosting our revenues.