Lenovo launched the K8 Note smartphone with back in August starting at Rs. 12999. We already brought you the review of the phone, here we have its battery life test results of the phone. It packs a 4000mAh built-in battery with support for fast charging, is powered by Deca-Core MediaTek Helio X23 20nm SoC and runs on Android 7.1.1 (Nougat). Check out the test results.
Talk Time
It lasted for 33 hours and 21 minutes in our talk time test.
3G Browsing
It lasted for 7 hours and 9 minutes in our 3G browsing test.
WiFi Browsing
It lasted for 9 hours and 7 minutes in our WiFi browsing test.
Video Playback
It lasted for 11 hours and 11 minutes in our video playback test.
Charging Time
Since it comes with a 15W turbo charger, it takes just 48 minutes to charge it from 0 to 50% and 2 hours and 16 minutes to charge the 4000mAh battery fully from 0%.
Standby Time
It lasted for 38 days in our standby test, which is less since battery drain in standby is more compared to other phones, as we had mentioned in the review.
It achieved One Charge rating of 15 hours and 11 minutes mainly due to brilliant talk time. This is decent compared to other phones in the Note series, otherwise it is just average and could be better. Check out our battery life test procedure, to know more about our tests in detail.