Vodafone today launched a new ‘Roam Like Home’ Bonus Pack for its pre-paid customers in Tamil Nadu. This pack costs Rs. 61 and lets Vodafone customers travelling anywhere in India enjoy home calling rates, for a period of 28 days.
The Rs. 61 Vodafone ‘Roam Like Home’ pack is available from Vodafone stores & Mini Stores or multi-brand outlets in Tamil Nadu. You can also recharge from vodafone.in or dial *444*61# to recharge.
How the Rs. 61 Bonus Card works?
- Buy a normal tariff pack say Rs. 348 which provides unlimited calling along with 1GB/ day data benefits for 28 days
- Top up with Rs. 61 and roam free with calling at home rates when you go out of Tamil Nadu
- Applicable on STD & local voice calls
Commenting on the launch, S. Murali, Business Head, Tamil Nadu, Vodafone India said:
We have introduced the Vodafone ‘Roam Like Home’ Bonus Pack so that our customers can get ‘More’ for ‘Less’. Our customers traveling on work and leisure during the festival and Margazhi season can have worry-free conversations with their near and dear ones, regardless of where they are. Avail this offer on any recharge & get the benefit of home calling rate on National Roaming for 28 days.