Alltel Wireless now carrying Motorola Milestone

If you are on Alltel Wireless and looking for some good Android powered handset, then you might look at the Motorola Milestone. Alltel Wireless is now carrying the Motorola Milestone according to Droid Life and you can get it from your local Alltel store. Milestone is a GSM version of Motorola Droid. We all know that Motorola Milestone is a good handset, and it’s quite old, but if you are looking for a good, reliable, and a budget Android phone, then Milestone is a great choice for you. If you don’t like the Milestone, you better check out some Motorola Kings over at Verizon.

If you don’t know about Alltel Wireless, then let me tell you that Verizon acquired Alltel Wireless in January 2009 for 28 Billion, but it’s still active in 22 markets, so if you are in one of them, then you can get it. Otherwise you got Verizon on the other hand.

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