After Big Shopping Days Sale earlier this month, Flipkart has started 3-day New Pinch Days Sale, its second year-end sale. The sale offers great deals on smartphones including Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Xiaomi Mi A1, Redmi Note 4, Moto X4, Samsung phones, iPhones and mobile accessories. All these offers are available through the site, mobile site as well as Flipkart app.
Best deals on Smartphones on Flipkart
- Google Pixel 2 XL – Rs. 58,999 (Rs. 5,001 off + Rs. 8,000 instant discount on all debit and credit cards + up to Rs. 21,000 off on exchange)
- HTC U11 – Rs. 44,999 (Rs. 8,991 off + up to Rs. 18,000 off on exchange)
- Google Pixel 2 – Rs. 39,999 (Rs. 11,001 off + Rs. 10,000 instant discount on all debit and credit cards + up to Rs. 18,000 off on exchange)
- Apple iPhone 7 32GB – Rs. 42,999 (Rs. 6001 off + up to Rs. 18,000 off on exchange)
- Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 – Rs. 32,999 (Rs. 3000 off + up to Rs. 18,000 off on exchange)
- Samsung Galaxy S7 – Rs. 29,990 (Rs. 16010 off + up to Rs. 23,000 off on exchange)
- Moto Z2 Play – Rs. 24,999 (Rs. 3,000 off + up to Rs. 20,000 off on exchange)
- OPPO F3 Plus – Rs. 24,990 (Rs. 6000 off + up to Rs. 23,500 off on exchange)
- Moto X4 4GB + 64GB – Rs. 20,999 (Rs. 2000 off + up to Rs. 18,000 off on exchange)
- Moto X4 3GB + 32GB – Rs. 17,999 (Rs. 3000 off + up to Rs. 18,000 off on exchange)
- Xiaomi Mi Max 2 64GB – Rs. 14,999 (Rs. 2000 off + up to Rs. 14,000 off on exchange)
- Asus Zenfone 4 Selfie Dual Camera – Rs. 13,999 (Rs. 1000 off + up to Rs. 13,000 off on exchange)
- Xiaomi Mi A1 – Rs. 12,999 (Rs. 2000 off + up to Rs. 12,000 off on exchange)
- Samsung On Nxt – Rs. 11,900 (Rs. 6000 off + up to Rs. 11,000 off on exchange)
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 4GB + 64GB – Rs. 10,999 (Rs. 2000 off + up to Rs. 10,000 off on exchange)
- Flipkart Billion Capture+ – Starting at Rs. 10,999 (Rs. 1,000 off + up to Rs. 10,000 off on exchange)
- Moto E4 Plus – Rs. 8999 (Rs. 1000 off + up to Rs. 8,500 off on exchange)
- Lenovo K8 Plus 3GB – Rs. 8999 (Rs. 2000 off + up to Rs. 8,500 off on exchange)
- Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro – Rs. 6990 (Rs. 1500 off + up to Rs. 6,500 off on exchange)
- Samsung Galaxy On5 – Rs. 6490 (Rs. 2500 off + up to Rs. 6,000 off on exchange)
- Moto C Plus – Rs. 5999 (Rs. 1000 off + up to Rs. 5,500 off on exchange)
Best deals on Laptops, Tablets and accessories and more on Flipkart
- Offers on Laptops
- Gaming Laptops starting from Rs. 56,990
- Google Chromecast 2 – Rs. 2,999 (Rs. 400 off)
- Flipkart SmartBuy 10000 mAh Power Bank – Rs.599 (45% off)
- Ambrane 10000 mAh Power Bank – Rs.599 (66% off)
- Offers on Bluetooth speakers and headsets
- Apple iPads from Rs. 24,900
- XBox One S starting at Rs. 24,990
- Offers on TVs
- Up to 60% off on Skullcandy headphones
We have listed some of the best deals here, but you can check out more deals on TVs, appliances and other exchange offers on the Flipkart. It also offers 10% instant discount (up to Rs. 1500 per card) on purchase for Rs. 3000 or more with HDFC Bank Debit and Credit Cards. This limited period sale lasts till December 17th or till stocks last.