WhatsApp will stop working on BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8.0 after December 31

WhatsApp will stop supporting BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8.0 from December 31st, 2017 and support for Android versions 2.3.7 and older will end on February 1, 2020, as it had announced earlier. The company has already stopped support for Android versions older than 2.3.3 and Windows Phone 7 back in 2016.

The company already announced its decision to kill the support for the platforms mentioned along with dates. It also said that, as it no longer actively develops for these platforms, some features may stop functioning at any time. Along with BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone 8.0, WhatsApp is also ending support for Nokia S40 after December 31, 2018.

WhatsApp initially extended the support back till December and now just as it promised it is indeed pulling the plug for BlackBerry OS , BlackBerry OS 10 and Windows Phone 8.0.

The company recently rolled out Message recall feature for both Android and iOS, and later in November, it also rolled out YouTube PiP mode and a more convenient way to record long voice messages.

In a blog post about stopping the support for BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone, 8.0 WhatsApp recently said:

These platforms don’t offer the kind of capabilities we need to expand our app’s features in the future. If you use one of these affected mobile devices, we recommend upgrading to a newer OS version, or to a newer Android running OS 4.0+, iPhone running iOS 7+, or Windows Phone 8.1+ so that you can continue using WhatsApp.


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