Telegram 4.7 brings themes, multiple accounts, quick replies and more

Telegram has rolled out a new update to its app which brings the version number 4.7. The new update brings several new features like the themes to change the look and feel of the U.I, multiple accounts with different phone numbers under one roof, quick replies in a chat. 

The V4.7 update for iOS brings four new, different themes to Telegram app; minimalistic one (“Day”) and two dark themes (“Night” and “Night Blue”). The minimalistic day theme also allows you to pick a solid accent color for the entire app, like pink or purple. While the Android version of Telegram already has support for multiple themes.

With the latest update, Telegram is also adding support for multiple accounts. You can add up to three accounts with different phone numbers and can quickly switch between them from the side menu. You will be getting notifications from all accounts; however, if you wish to disable,  you can change that in the notification settings.

Telegram V4.7 for both Android and iOS is adding new quick replies feature using which you can reply just by swiping left on any message in a chat. This is the second major update to the Telegram in a month, the previous V4.6 update brought new granular settings for auto-downloading media, better link previews, albums in Secret Chats, improved security, and more.


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