Install a front-facing camera in your Samsung Galaxy S

The international version of Samsung Galaxy S comes with a front facing camera in it, but the US variants of Galaxy S are missing the front facing camera, only EPIC 4G comes with a front facing camera, but Captivate, Vibrant, and Fascinate is missing it, which is a bad news for the Galaxy S lovers in USA. But a modder over at XDA-developers forum known as Siirial is very brave and smart, so he decided to put a FFC camera into his Samsung Vibrant, and he did it. Siirial is saying that the camera can be installed in any Galaxy S model, because they all comes with the same board. So folks, all you need is some tools, a denatured alcohol, front-facing camera which is only for $16.49, ROM, and the camera data file. If you are a little nervous, and it’s hard for you to torn down your phone, then watch this video which will help you a lot. Folks, head over to xda-developer forum by following this link, and you will be able to read the full instructions. Happy Modding !

via TalkAndroid

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