OnePlus launched Lava Red edition of the OnePlus 5T smartphone in India last week. Today the smartphone went on sale in the country for Rs. 37,999 through, as well as Croma stores and OnePlus experience zones in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi NCR .
It also comes with several launch offers:
- 3 months No Cost EMI on credit cards, Instant Rs. 1,500 discount for HDFC Bank debit and credit cards users, Rs. 2000 Exchange Bonus with every purchase of the OnePlus 5T on
- 3 and 6 months no cost EMI, using Bajaj Finserv cards on OnePlus official e-store
- OnePlus Buyback Program powered by Cashify where customers get up to Rs. 2000 extra as the Buyback bonus with the purchase of any OnePlus device
To celebrate the launch of the OnePlus 5T Lava Red variant, OnePlus has announced a ‘Red meet Red’ campaign in association with Zomato. As a part of this campaign, all Zomato users can avail a free Coke with their orders. To claim it you need to
- Open Zomato
- Order food
- Add a Coke to the cart
- Enter the code ONEPLUS
- Get the amount as cashback in the form of Zomato Credits
The limited period Zomato offer is exclusively for OnePlus users is available today and tomorrow, January 20th and 21st.