What does the Firmware v11.0.08 have in store for your Nokia XpressMusic 5800

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is indeed a good phone and owing to its brand new OS it does have some glitches. Anyways who does get things right in the first move. So Nokia have decided to get things right and have released the First Firmware update for their mass market touch phone Nokia 5800. We in India dont have to bother to actually download the firmware as all phones bought after Jan 10th have the firmware pre installed.

Here is the list of the changelog of this firmware :

  • Homepage is not defined for Vodafone Live!
  • Last word disappears when selecting receiver in SMS.
  • My Nokia: phone displays “#” in front of Application name.
  • During Back-Up & Restore operation, calendar entries are not restored.
  • Operator menu link within Welcome application.
  • Invalid message pops up before playing the file received via Bluetooth.
  • Input Method, VKB just display number when selecting a WLAN access point which contains a password.
  • Chinese box HWR control buttons and FS HWR control bar are too small.
  • Unable to add image to Contact bar from Gallery when there is about 5 GB of data in memory card.
  • In Arabic UI, in calendar, the arrows on the top are reversed in week view and day view.
  • UI-rotation is too sensitive.
  • Search: Google search service is missing in Search.
  • Contact could not display when switch numbers in Singtel 2-in-1 SIM card.
  • Maps: Wrong layout of the strings in the Maps search and favorites views.
  • Could not send new email if user name and password is not pre-defined.
  • Phone drops from service when both A5/3 +GEA3 used simultaneously with WLAN.
  • The Messaging application crashes a lot specially when replying or trying to send SMS you have to remove battery to be able to use the device again.
  • License Manager for Maps is not integrated to SW.
  • 5.0 Touch: Phonebook crashing when adding detail: Birthday, Anniversary.
  • Web screen is messed up – Non stop Music Player “Library update”.
  • Clock, Alarm is inactive when phone is power off.
  • APN Configuration Settings Update to be used for the Setting Wizard.
  • Ex-Factory settings are wrong – UE unable to open Setting Wizard.
  • StartUpSettings version updated.
  • Phone lost correct time during power off.
  • USSD: “Call Control Send USSD” command.
  • UE drops from 3G, then cannot sync to 3G cells.
  • Browser: Flash objects causes problems while browsing
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