Google Motion Stills for Android brings new AR stickers, redesigned UI and more

Google launched the Motion Stills app last year for better video capture and viewing experience. Later the company redesigned and introduced the new motion photos feature in Pixel 2. Today Google has bought a major update to the Motion Still by adding the new ‘AR Mode’ bringing AR stickers to most Android phones.

With the new AR Mode, users now place fun, virtual 3D objects on static or moving horizontal surfaces by touching the viewfinder. This allows for seamless interaction with a dynamic real-world environment. You can also record and share the clips as GIFs and videos.

The new AR Mode is powered by the instant motion tracking which is a six degree of freedom tracking system built upon the technology that powers motion stills in iOS and the privacy blur on YouTube to track static and moving objects accurately. It uses accelerometer sensor to provide the initial orientation of the phone concerning the ground plane; one can track the six degrees of freedom of the camera.

This allows to accurately transform and render the virtual object within the scene making them look like real-life objects. Any Android phone with gyroscope sensor can take advantage of the new AR Mode in the Motion Still app. Apart from the new AR Mode, the Motion Still app also gets a redesign with simple U.I, text labels and more. The camera switcher has also been moved to the bottom-right corner. The update with the AR Mode is already live, and you can download it on PlayStore here.


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