Telegram 4.8 for Android adds video streaming and auto-night mode, brings login for websites

Telegram 4.8 for Android brings video streaming features which eliminate the need to download the video and can now start watching videos right away without having to fully download it first. The app also gets the ability to automatically turn on the night mode or dark mode after nightfall or in low-light conditions.

With today’s update, Telegram for Android lets you can stream videos directly from Telegram apps, and you can see the caching progress as a light grey strip. On the other hand, you can set up the Auto-Night Mode from Settings > Theme > Auto-Night Mode. It also has support for a multitude of custom themes from where you can choose which theme the app will switch to using the ‘Preferred Night Theme’ setting.

Apart from these two major updates to Android, Telegram is also bringing new Telegram Login Widget for external websites when you use Telegram login for the first time. The widget will ask for your phone number and sends you a confirmation message via Telegram to authorize your browser. Once this is done, you get a two-click login on every website that supports signing in with Telegram.

Once you click accept, Telegram will send your name, username, and your profile picture to the website owner. However, your phone number will remain hidden. Telegram will also send you a summary message about the permissions you’ve granted and the data you’ve passed to the website owner. There is also an option to evoke the authorization from the login summary. In the privacy section settings, you can see the list of all the websites where you logged in using Telegram.

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